...С помощта на тестове в аеродинамичен тунел, тази PV монтажна система е оптимизирана за баласт и аеродинамика и гарантира особено безопасен монтаж на плоски покриви, без да пробива покривната повърхност. Налична е в простото хоризонтално южно ориентиране и като източно-западна система.
Our enclosed module featuring an internal power supply and printhead driver board, enables communication between the DOD printhead technology and the MPERIA controller through an Ethernet connection. V-Links can be stacked and networked through MPERIA®, providing a flexible and scalable system for small or very large applications.
Battery Cycle Count
A typical cell phone battery goes through approximately 500 cycles before retaining at least 80% of its original capacity. Made from new materials, our batteries have zero cycles, ensuring the maximum number of cycles you can use.
Zero Cycle Count, so you have the maximum amount of cycles remaining.
Lithium-Ion Polymer
technological materials
Strict QC test
Less than 1% failure rate
12 Months Warranty
VEGACON 70 ist ein vollwertiges Soja-Eiweiß, hergestellt aus gentechnikfreien Sojabohnen (NON-GMO). Durch ein spezielles Verfahren werden unverdauliche Kohlenhydrate entfernt. VEGACON 70 hat einen hohen Eiweißgehalt und unterstützt die Eiweißverdauung.
VEGACON 70 wird für Fleisch- und Wurstwaren, Teigwaren, vegetarische Fertiggerichte, Soßen und Babynahrung verwendet. Bei diätetischen Lebensmitteln und Diät-Shakes wird es zur Proteinanreicherung herangezogen.
VEGACON 70 emulgiert, stabilisiert und zeichnet sich durch ein hohes Fettbindevermögen aus. Es verbessert die Struktur, verlängert die Haltbarkeit und eignet sich dazu, Nahrungsmittel mit Eiweiß anzureichern.
Con la forma d’onda d’uscita sinusoidale pura, la serie NTS offre un’alimentazione perfetta per la protezione delle vostre apparecchiature sensibili. Grazie al display LCD permette di monitorare parametri e stato dell’UPS.
Integra al suo interno un avanzato sistema di stabilizzazione della tensione in uscita tramite sistema AVR. Protegge dalla perdita di dati da interruzione di corrente, sovratensione, abbassamento di tensione e spike.
Aspetto estetico e naturale: 3D Multilayer è uno zircone dentale multistrato, con un colore naturale, una sfumatura traslucida è uno strato ad alta resistenza alla flessione (colonna cervicale 1100 Mpa, incisivo 600 Mpa). Queste caratteristiche permettono la produzione di restauri integrali estremamente armoniosi per singoli denti e ponti nelle regioni anteriore e posteriore. La degradazione traslucida è appositamente regolata, assicura una buona copertura della zona cervicale e aumenta la traslucidità della zona incisale. Questa sfumatura di colore garantisce anche la produzione efficace della forma naturale.
Lo spessore del nostro disco è compreso tra 16 mm e 20 mm.
PC based 4 GHz 2-port Vector Network Analyzer with a Frequency range from 400 MHz to 4 GHz. Measuring power from -30 to +5dBm with up to 20000 points. Incl. VNA Sandbox Kit.
Aluminium extruded body with electrostatic powder coated
Electrostatic powder coated aluminium die cast end caps
Mid Power LED light source
LED (L80/B10) + DRIVER life time more than 50.000 Hours
Tempered (clear and frosted) glass cover with IK10 grade
High efficient PMMA, Opal, semi-transparent or transparent diffuser option
Input Voltage: 198-264V AC, 176-280V DC, 50-60 Hz
Operating Temperature (Ta): -400C / +700C
Zone 2 - Zone 22 applications
Industrial Facilities
Oil Rafineries
Gas Stations
Petrochemical Facilities
Our company EMART GROUP, whose foundation year is 2020, continues to be the most preferred one in Turkey and the world in the export sector since its establishment, and at the same time, we are a manufacturer company that produces camera junction boxes, CCTV Accessories with quality materials. Our company, which provides service in the world and in Turkey, has consumers in more than 48 provinces in Turkey. Our company, which dominates the foreign market as well as the domestic market, has dealerships in many countries. These are Russia (Kazan and Krasnoyarsk), Palestine, Israel, Uzbekistan, Egypt, Algeria, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Iraq.
In our production center with 3D Printer and CNC track, polyurethane coating machine and all kinds of technological equipment, we make the closest modeling to reality.
PVC-Montageschaum mittlerer Dichte, beidseitig klebend.
Für Außenverglasungen an Hochhäusern, für Emblem-Befestigungen und als Vibrationsdämpfung geeignet. Absolut wetterfest, unverrottbar und wasserdicht. Pilze und Milben finden darauf keine Lebensbedingungen. Dauerelastisch!
Dicken: 0,8 1,6 3,2 4,8 6,4 mm
"Para aplicações eletrônicas e espaciais que exigem baixa liberação de gases e condensáveis voláteis mínimos para evitar condensação em dispositivos sensíveis. Para colagem ou vedação de elastômeros de silicone e alguns metais
ou plásticos"
Estetyczny i naturalny aspekt: 3D Multilayer to wielowarstwowa cyrkonia stomatologiczna, o naturalnym kolorze, półprzezroczysty gradient to warstwa o wysokiej odporności na zginanie (kolumna szyjna 1100 MPa, nacięcie 600 MPa). Cechy te pozwalają na produkcję niezwykle harmonijnych, zintegrowanych uzupełnień dla pojedynczych zębów i mostów w przedniej i tylnej części. Półprzezroczysty gradient jest specjalnie dostosowany, zapewnia dobre pokrycie obszaru szyjki macicy i zwiększa półprzezroczystość obszaru siekalnego. Ten gradient kolorów gwarantuje również wydajną produkcję naturalnego kształtu.
Grubość naszej tarczy mieści się w przedziale od 16 mm do 20 mm.
Un aspect esthétique et naturel : 3D multilayer est une zircone dentaire multicouche, avec une couleur naturelle, un dégradé translucide est une couche résistance à la flexion élevée (colonne cervicale 1100 MPa, incisive 600 MPa). Ces caractéristiques permettent la fabrication de restaurations intégrales extrêmement harmonieuses pour des dents individuelles et des bridges dans les régions antérieure et postérieure. Le dégradé translucide est spécialement ajusté, assure une bonne couverture de la zone cervicale et augmente la translucidité de la zone incisale. Ce dégradé de couleurs garantit également la fabrication efficace de la forme naturelle.
L'épaisseur de notre disque est comprise entre 16 mm et 20 mm.
"Para colagem, fundição ou moldagem por injeção de componentes ópticos de alto desempenho; Para aplicações fotônicas que exigem baixa desgaseificação e
condensáveis voláteis mínimos para evitar condensação em
dispositivos sensíveis"